Sunday, June 12, 2011

Initial Class Posting

Hi, my name is Chris Schinzel.  I am a graduate student at Boise State University.  I am seeking my Master's in Special Education and hope to teach middle school or high school someday in an extended resource room.  I am currently teaching summer school at an elementary school in Boise and working full-time as a volunteer staff at the Boys & Girls Club of Boise.  I really enjoy working at a Title One school and volunteering at the Boys & Girls Club.  I like working with youth that are not as privileged as most.  I am hoping that this class, in addition to fulfilling my elective credits, will teach me to better incorporate technology in my teaching and give me more experience to use it for my leisure time as well.  I enjoy backpacking, volleyball, exercising, and the outdoors.  I am excited to see what the semester will bring.